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File Sharing with Windows® XP

If you are not using file sharing, you will want to disable it for security reasons.  Configuring it is fairly simple.  In order to disable it use the following procedure:

  1. Click on the start menu and select "Run" from the right column
  2. Type ncpa.cpl and press enter
  3. Right click on your Internet connection and select properties.  (Hint: High speed connections are called "Local Area Connection," and dial-up connections are typically named after your Internet Service Provider.)
  4. Select File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
  5. Click on Uninstall
  6. If it asks for a confirmation say yes and then click on OK

If file sharing is used, it is best to restrict its use as much as possible.  Select My Computer from the start menu and right-click on Shared Documents.  Select Sharing and Security and make sure that "Allow network users to change my files" is not selected.  Deselecting this option is supposed to make sure others cannot remotely modify anything you are sharing.  By default the Shared Documents folder is the only one shared.  If you have shared more folders, repeat the same procedure for them as well.  Unfortunately, Windows® XP Home does not allow you to protect shares with passwords.  Windows® XP Pro allows you to specify how much access each user has to your shares, and each user can create their own password.

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