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Updating McAfee® VirusScan®

Over a hundred new viruses are discovered each month.  As a result, keeping your virus scanner updated is a necessity.  McAfee® VirusScan® can keep itself up to date if it is configured to do so.  To configure it to check for updates, open McAfee® by selecting it from the start menu or from the system tray next to the clock on your taskbar.  At the main screen click on Updates in the upper-right corner.  Next, click on Configure.  If you have a high-speed Internet connection make sure "Install the updates automatically..." is selected.  If you are using a dial-up connection, you may want to select "Notify me...."  This way when updates are available you will know, but you will not have your web browsing slowed down to a crawl when it automatically downloads them.

Before clicking on OK, you may want to click on the Advanced button on the update options window.  McAfee® will sometimes inform you of any and all breaking news about viruses.  To disable this make sure "Do not display security alerts" is selected, and then click on OK twice.

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McAfee and VirusScan are a registered trademarks of Network Associates Technology, Inc.